

Master TypeScript, Get Certified and boost your career in Web Development. No Prior Knowledge is required in TypeScript


( One Time Fee For Complete Course : NO Other Charges Ever, Pinky Promise !! )

13 Nov.

Start Date

10 Days

Live Workshop

Get Certified

By Experts



13 Nov - 22 Nov

For Both Students & Working Professionals

7pm-9pm IST

Monday - Friday

What You'll Learn :

  • Use TypeScript and its Features like Types, ES6 Support, Classes, Modules, Interfaces and much more in any of their Projects

  • Why TypeScript offers a real advantage over vanilla JavaScript

  • Learn how to combine TypeScript with ReactJS or NodeJS / Express

  • Understand what TypeScript really is about and how it works

  • Learn TypeScript both in theory as well as applied to real use-cases and projects

The Workshop will include all minor and major topics of the TypeScript :
  • Introduction & Dev Environment Setup

    Setup, IDE, Advantages Over JavaScript

  • TypeScript Basics & Basic Types

    Using Types, Working With Numbers, Strings, Objects, Arrays, Tuples, Enums, Union Types, Literal Types, Aliases, Functions as Types and more

  • The TypeScript Compiler (and it's configuration)

    "Watch Mode" , Including/Excluding Files, Setting a compilation target, Understanding TypeScript Core Libs, More Configuration & Compilation Options, rootDir and outDir, Strict Compilation

  • Next Generation JavaScript & TypeScript

    "let" and "const", Arrow Functions, Default Function Parameters, The Spread Operator, Rest Parameters, Array & Object Destructuring

  • Classes & Interfaces

    Working with classes, it's modifiers and more properties. Inheritance,, modifiers, methods & properties, Abstarct Classes, Singleton & Private constructors. | Interface - interface with classes, properties, functions

  • Advanced Types

    Intersection Types, Type Guards, Discriminating Unions, Type Casting, Index Properties, Function Overloads, Optional CHaining, Nullish Coalescing

  • Generics

    Built-in Generics & What are generics, Creating Generic Function, Working with Generic - Functions, Utility Types.

  • Decorators

    First class decorator, Working with decorator factories, Building and adding more decorators, Property Decorators, Accessor & Parameter Decorators, Returning (and cganging) a class in access decorator, Validation with decorators

  • Build a Major Drag & Drop Project

    Birthday Reminder, Tours, Reviews, Accordion, Menu, Tabs, Slider, Lorem Ipsum, Color Generator, Grocery Bud, Navbar, Sidebar/Modal, Stripe Clone, Ecommerce Cart etc

  • Modules & Namespaces

    Writing Module code, Working with Namespaces, Using ES Modules, Import & Export Syntaxes

  • Using Webpack with TypeScript

    What is webpack and why do we need it?, Dependencies, Adding entry & output configuration, Adding TypeScript Support with the ts-loader Package, Finishing the Setup & Adding webpack-dev-server, Adding a Production Workflow

  • 3rd Party Libraries & TypeScript

    Using JavaScript (!) Libraries with TypeScript, Using "declare" as a "Last Resort", No Types Needed: class-transformer, TypeScript-embracing: class-validator

  • Select & Share a Place App (including Google Maps)

    Project Setup, Getting User Input, Setting Up a Google API Key, Using Axios to Fetch Coordinates for an Entered Address, Rendering a Map with Google Maps (incl. Types!)

  • BONUS : TypeScript & React.JS

    This section is only for you if you have React knowledge. In this we'll see : Setting Up a React + TypeScript Project, How Do React + TypeScript Work Together, Working with Props and Types for Props, Getting User Input with "refs, Cross-Component Communication, Working with State & Types, Managing State Better, More Props & State Work, Adding Styling, Types for other React Features (e.g. Redux or Routing)

  • Conclusion and much more

Workshop Specials -

Although this workshop is special already because of its unique nature, but it has got some features that you'll find only in this workshop :
  • Live Workshop Classes

  • Doubt discussion sessions

  • Get Recording of every lecture

  • Lifetime Acces Of The Recordings

  • Free Bonus Lectures

  • Study Materials

  • Interview Questions & PDFs

  • Quick Cheatsheets

  • Project Deployment

  • 1 on 1 doubt discussions

  • Free Access to webdevarmy community group

Boost Your CV

A good way of explaining topics through projects really liked that. Concepts are cleared easily. All projects clears the topic which we learnt.

devanshu desai

“The flow of topics is good, the participation of is students is good because of friendly way of teaching. Simple and concept specific projects. Good for working people. The recordings being available is a good thing as I miss the classes so I can view the lecture later.

Apoorv Khandelwal

“I like very much the way you teach us, and from my side nothing here to be improved. All Projects are awesome”


“It’s easy to understand, explains everything so well.Everyone have a chance to get your doubt cleared. He patiently answers all the questions.Overall it’s a good experience. ”

Adhila Khader

“You are very calm while teaching. Doubt discussion is pretty fine, I know sometimes questions asked are very stupid, but still you are empathetic and answer to them.”

Alec Aldrine Lakra

“I like the course design and the practical way learning.Actually, cannot be expect more in a such price. Good Job.”

Bharat Patel
When does the workshop start?

The Live Workshop starts on 13 Nov, Wednesday.

What is the timings of the workshop?

The workshop will be conducted on weekdays ( Monday – Friday ). The timing is : 7pm – 9pm IST.

Best for both working professionals and college students.

WIll i get recordings of the workshop?

Yes, you’ll be provided with the recording of each & every lecture.

Will i get access of the recordings for lifetime?


Is this a certified workshop?

Yes, it is a certified workshop. You will be certified by webdevarmy.

Are there any pre-requisites of the workshop?
  • Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS is Required. ES6 is optional.
I made the payment but did not receive any update !!

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Email : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com

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WhatsApp / Call Us : +91-9140660948
Email Us : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com