

Master JavaScript & ReactJS, Get Certified as a Frontend Developer and Kickstart your career in Web Development. No Prior Knowledge is required in JavaScript/ReactJS

₹999 or 12$

( One Time Fee For Complete Course : NO Other Charges Ever, Pinky Promise !! )

09 April

Start Date

6 Weeks

Live Workshop

Get Certified

By Experts



Monday - Friday Classes

For Both Students & Working Professionals

8pm-9:30pm IST

Monday - Friday

You Must Join This Workshop If You Want to -

  • Master ReactJS From Zero to Hero

  • Build Live Projects and Stand Apart From the Crowd

  • Join Lethal Dev Community

  • Build Resume with Live Real-world projects

  • Build Clones like Amazon, Disney Plus, Netflix and more

  • Take a step forward towards becoming a Full Stack Developer

JavaScript Syllabus -

The Workshop will include all minor and major topics of the JavaScript, no prior knowledge is required to get started :
  • Introduction & Dev Environment Setup

    Goals, Structure, IDE, Extensions, etc.

  • JavaScript Basics

    Basics Intro, Basic Project, Inline Javascript, Internal Javascript, External Javascript, Cleanup Workspace, Helper Methods, Statements and Comments, Variables, Assign Variable Value Later, Variable Naming Rules, const, let, var, Challenges Intro, Variables Challenge, Prettier Settings, Quotation Marks, String Concatenation, String Concat Challenge, Numbers Basics, Numbers - Additional Features, Numbers Challenge, Implicit Type Conversion

  • JavaScript Arrays, Methods & More

    Basics, Array Iterators, forEach, map, filter, find, reduce

  • Functions

    Functions - Declare, Invoke, Functions - Parameters, Arguments, Functions - Return, Function Expressions, Function Challenge

  • Objects

  • JavaScript Loops & More

    Conditional Statements - Basics, Conditional Statements Continued, Equality, Logical Operators, Switch Statement, Conditionals Challenge, while Loops, do while loops, for loop

  • JavaScript Tutorials Continued : A deep dive

    Connecting The Dots, String Properties and Methods, Template Literals, Strings Challenge, Array Properties and Methods, Exercise - Full Name, Exercise - Calculate Total, Value vs Reference, Null and Undefined, Truthy and Falsy, Ternary Operator, Global Scope, Local Scope, Variable Lookup, Callback Functions, Higher Order Functions

  • More JavaScript Methods

    Math Object, Date Object

  • Document Object Model (DOM in JS)

    DOM - General Concepts, Window and Document Overview, Get Element By ID, Get Elements By Tag Name, Get Element By Class Name, Query Selector and Query Selector ALL, Navigate the DOM - Children, Navigate the DOM - parentElement, Navigate the DOM - nextSibling, previousSibling, Navigate the DOM - nextElementSibling, previousElementSibling, textContent nodeValue, getAttribute() setAttribute(), classList and className, createElement - createTextNode - appendChild, insertBefore, replaceChild, prepend innerText, remove removeChild, innerHTML and textContent

  • DOM Projects

  • More in DOM

    Change CSS with style property, Events Overview, Click Event, Function Reference, Mouse Events, Key Events, Event Object, CurrentTarget vs Target, Event Propagation - Bubbling- Capturin, Event Propagation Example

  • ES6

    ES6 concepts will be covered throughout the wrokshop in pieces whenever we require.

  • More Projects

  • Asynchronous JS

    Intro, Synchronous, Recipe Example, AsynchronousCallback Hell, Callback Hell - DOM Example, Promises, Reject Example, Promises - DOM Example, Async/Await

  • AJAX

    Intro, AJAX, HTTP, API, Simple Text, Add Button, JSON, Fetch, Fetch - Errors "gotcha", Fetch - Big Picture, Fetch with Function, Fetch - with async/await, Try / Catch

  • And Some More Projects

  • Conclusion and much more

The Workshop will include all minor and major topics of the REACT.JS :
  • Introduction & Dev Environment Setup

  • React Fundamentals

    Folder Structure, First Component, JSX, Nest Components, CSS, JSX-CSS, JSX-JS, Props, List, Event Basics, Prop Drilling, ES6 Modules, Challenges/Assigments and more...

  • React Hooks and Advanced Topics

    Folder Structure, useState Hook, useEffect Hook, Conditional Rendering, Forms, useRef Hook, useReducer Hook, Prop Drilling, useCallback Hook, useMemo Hook. All Hooks will be covered with live examples and sample projects along with error examples too with detailed discussions.

  • React Icons

    A brief and precise discussionon React Icons with live examples and implementation in our projects.

  • Context API

    useContext Hook will be covered while working with Context API.

  • Custom Hooks

    Make Your Own Hooks ; ) We will make our own Hook with live project.

  • Prop Types

    Setup, Images, Default Values...

  • React Router 6

    The latest Version Of React Router 6 will be covered : Intro, First Pages, Page Components, Link Components, Error Page, Navbar, Nested Routes, Shared Layout, Index Pages, NavLink, URL Params, useNavigate() and much more. In Depth Implementation of React Router will be made.

  • Basic/Intermediate Projects (10+)

    Birthday Reminder, Tours, Reviews, Accordion, Menu, Tabs, Slider, Lorem Ipsum, Color Generator, Grocery Bud, Navbar, Sidebar/Modal, Stripe Clone, Ecommerce Cart etc

  • React Styled Components

    A brief and precise discussion about React Styled Compoents with live examples and implementation in our projects.

  • Advanced Resume Level Projects

    These Projects that will boost your resume to the next level.

  • 4-5 Intermediate/Advanced Projects

  • 3-5 API Based Advanced Projects

  • 2 Clone Projects

  • Amazon Clone

  • Disney Plus Clone

  • Netflix Clone

  • Conclusion and much more

Workshop Specials -

Although this workshop is special already because of its unique nature, but it has got some features that you'll find only in this workshop :
  • Live Workshop Classes

  • Doubt discussion sessions

  • Get Recording of every lecture

  • Lifetime Acces Of The Recordings

  • Free Bonus Lectures

  • Study Materials

  • Interview Questions & PDFs

  • Quick Cheatsheets

  • Project Deployment

  • 1 on 1 doubt discussions

  • Free Access to webdevarmy community group

Boost Your CV

A good way of explaining topics through projects really liked that. Concepts are cleared easily. All projects clears the topic which we learnt.

devanshu desai

“The flow of topics is good, the participation of is students is good because of friendly way of teaching. Simple and concept specific projects. Good for working people. The recordings being available is a good thing as I miss the classes so I can view the lecture later.

Apoorv Khandelwal

“I like very much the way you teach us, and from my side nothing here to be improved. All Projects are awesome”


“It’s easy to understand, explains everything so well.Everyone have a chance to get your doubt cleared. He patiently answers all the questions.Overall it’s a good experience. ”

Adhila Khader

“You are very calm while teaching. Doubt discussion is pretty fine, I know sometimes questions asked are very stupid, but still you are empathetic and answer to them.”

Alec Aldrine Lakra

“I like the course design and the practical way learning.Actually, cannot be expect more in a such price. Good Job.”

Bharat Patel
When does the workshop start?

The Live Workshop starts on 09 April, Monday.

What is the timings of the workshop?

The workshop will be conducted on weekdays ( Monday – Friday ). The timing is : 8pm – 9:30pm IST.

Best for both working professionals and college students.

WIll i get recordings of the workshop?

Yes, you’ll be provided with the recording of each & every lecture.

Will i get access of the recordings for lifetime?


Is this a certified workshop?

Yes, it is a certified workshop. You will be certified by webdevarmy.

Are there any pre-requisites of the workshop?
  • Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS is Required. ES6 is optional.
I made the payment but did not receive any update !!

Reach out to our awesome support team. We’d love to help you out | Whatsapp : +91-9140660948 | Email : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com

I need refund, can i access that?

No, currently we have no refund policy. Although, if you filled have wrong details or haven’t been provided with some material as promised, you can contact us and we will provide you the material or change details as required.

Still Got Doubts? Call Us :

WhatsApp : +91-9140660948 

Still Got Doubts? Send Email :

Email : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com

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Get In Touch

Still Got Doubts ?

WhatsApp / Call Us : +91-9140660948
Email Us : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com