( One Time Fee For Complete Course : NO Other Charges Ever, Pinky Promise !! )
Folder Structure, First Component, JSX, Nest Components, CSS, JSX-CSS, JSX-JS, Props, List, Event Basics, Prop Drilling, ES6 Modules, Challenges/Assigments and more...
Folder Structure, useState Hook, useEffect Hook, Conditional Rendering, Forms, useRef Hook, useReducer Hook, Prop Drilling, useCallback Hook, useMemo Hook. All Hooks will be covered with live examples and sample projects along with error examples too with detailed discussions.
A brief and precise discussionon React Icons with live examples and implementation in our projects.
useContext Hook will be covered while working with Context API.
Make Your Own Hooks ; ) We will make our own Hook with live project.
Setup, Images, Default Values...
The latest Version Of React Router 6 will be covered : Intro, First Pages, Page Components, Link Components, Error Page, Navbar, Nested Routes, Shared Layout, Index Pages, NavLink, URL Params, useNavigate() and much more. In Depth Implementation of React Router will be made.
Birthday Reminder, Tours, Reviews, Accordion, Menu, Tabs, Slider, Lorem Ipsum, Color Generator, Grocery Bud, Navbar, Sidebar/Modal, Stripe Clone, Ecommerce Cart etc
A brief and precise discussion about React Styled Compoents with live examples and implementation in our projects.
These Projects that will boost your resume to the next level.
“A good way of explaining topics through projects really liked that. Concepts are cleared easily. All projects clears the topic which we learnt.”
“The flow of topics is good, the participation of is students is good because of friendly way of teaching. Simple and concept specific projects. Good for working people. The recordings being available is a good thing as I miss the classes so I can view the lecture later.”
“I like very much the way you teach us, and from my side nothing here to be improved. All Projects are awesome”
“It’s easy to understand, explains everything so well.Everyone have a chance to get your doubt cleared. He patiently answers all the questions.Overall it’s a good experience. ”
“You are very calm while teaching. Doubt discussion is pretty fine, I know sometimes questions asked are very stupid, but still you are empathetic and answer to them.”
“I like the course design and the practical way learning.Actually, cannot be expect more in a such price. Good Job.”
The Live Workshop starts on 29 April, Monday.
The workshop will be conducted on weekdays ( Monday – Friday ). The timing is : 9pm – 11pm IST.
Best for both working professionals and college students.
Yes, you’ll be provided with the recording of each & every lecture.
Yes, it is a certified workshop. You will be certified by webdevarmy.
Reach out to our awesome support team. We’d love to help you out | Whatsapp : +91-9140660948 | Email : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com
WhatsApp : +91-9140660948
Email : webdevarmyhq@gmail.com